What is Sports Medicine? Sports medicine is a discipline, which is a sub-branch of medicine that involves the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. The discipline of sports medicine encourages education through prescription of exercise and movements and may use it to have an early intervention to lifestyle induced disease such as diabetes. While sports medicine was initially focused on elite level athletes for preventing and treatment of their injuries, it also plays an important role in chronic disease prevention and management, and in caring for the elderly who are prone to musculoskeletal injuries. Besides the obvious benefits of exercise, it helps to improve social functioning, well-being, have a healthier heart, be pain free movements, and decreasing inflammation in the body. Sports Medicine Physician's education Outside of Singapore:
In Singapore, doctors are trained for a minimum of 5 additional years before they become specialists in the field. Scope of practice Sports medicine doctors do not do surgery nor do they prescribe medications. Sports medicine doctors are either orthopaedic surgeons or primary care physicians who prescribe treatments for professional and amateur athletes. A non exhaustive list of where they may work:
Post Graduate studies in Sports Medicine The Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine is aimed towards medical physicians to undertake further continuing education to add more to the current knowledge and skills in being able to better manage sports injuries in primary care settings and sporting events. Certificate in Sports Medicine The certificate level in Sports Medicine is an entry level course for those who wishes to learn more from their current qualification. The full time studies consists of 12 months on learning anatomy, physiology, orthopedic testing, manual therapy, exercise prescription, and cadaver lessons, in a hybrid program via online and live practicum. The course is designed to enable graduates to effectively communicate clearly to others in the spectrum of healthcare providers in relation to prescribing exercise for prevention or treatment on pain related to musculoskeletal system, using a holistic approach. The course is open to anyone with the equivalent of related diploma in sports science, physiotherapy and related health sciences education. Interested in joining the next cohort? drop us your interest below.
October 2024