If you have always wanted to learn the best course for assisted soft tissue manipulation tool in Brazil, our IASTM clinic course will be able to help you understand deeper on IASTM techniques & the efficiacy of the tools for both rehabilitation intervention, & performance. Soft tissue mobilization using a IASTM toolsLearn how using IASTM(intrument assisted soft tissue mobilization) can help therapists offering physical therapy, therapist assistants, massage therapists, & other fitness & health clinicians that sees patients for pain management or treatment, get better outcome for rehabilitation & preventative. The IASTM CLINIC course for Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization(iastm) also has a home study course material or what we refer to as professional homework to practise soft tissue mobilization using the instrument & fine tune iastm techniques to their current practise. Participants will also be able to use different iastm tools in the market making it easier to improve on techniques, & how to use on different conditions accurately. As it is, many physical therapist are using the tools in their clinics successfully for patients in post op cases & this is the reason why it is getting traction amongst many professional to use now.
October 2024